Tuesday, May 5, 2009

And the point of health insurance is.......Anyone?....Anyone?

Allow me a moment to rant, if you will.

I am self-employed. I am also responsible. So, like any responsible, self-employed person, I buy my own health insurance. And I pay out the butt for it. Do you think it is going to help at all in this process? NO. Now, I'm not asking my insurance company to buy my sperm for me. I'm not even asking them to pay my doctor to put it in me. What I'd like them to do is pay for an x-ray to tell me if there is any point in putting sperm in me at the rate of $500+ a pop. I mean, if I were using the "closing time down at the corner bar method" for getting pregnant, then it wouldn't be so important to know if I had any blockages because it wouldn't cost me more than a couple of drinks (and I bet I could find a way around that, too).

But no, here again, I'm being responsible. I'm going through proper channels. And I've just got to wonder what I've been doing, paying $250+ per month for the past 2 years to my health insurance company (and barely using my health insurance) so that they can now tell me that they'll only pay for part of the x-ray, after I've met my deductible (which is almost as much as the x-ray) IF it is within 21 days of a hospitalization or surgery. But I don't need to be hospitalized and I don't need surgery. Now, if the x-ray showed a blockage, then I would need surgery to unblock me - BUT - my insurance wouldn't pay for that surgery because it doesn't cover fertility treatments or procedures.

So, WTF(arfignugen)! Octomom can have 14 kids (with fertility treatments) and get covered under programs funded with my tax dollars (which I'm also paying out the butt for because I'm self-employed) because she certainly doesn't have time for a job and therefore has no health insurance of her own. But my health insurance, which I PAY for, won't cover a test that my doctor tells me I need.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not surprised by this. I watch the news. And I am a Democrat. I know the insurance companies are just out to rob us blind and provide no health benefits so their fat-cat CEOs can hide their profits in the mattresses of their multimillion dollar vacation homes in the Cayman Islands. And now I've managed to connect my fallopian tubes to the social ills of the day. And I'll take this opportunity to tell everyone reading - Devon Health insurance SUCKS!!! My work here is done.


  1. Hi.. I found your blog from starfish envy... I was surprise that my cheapo ($400 a month) health insurance paid for the test. By the way I didn't mean cheap because of what I pay but because barely anyone takes it...I'm also a freelancer so I understand about paying for it.. Which makes me wonder how much it's going to be for the family plan...
